25+ Wholesome Girl Code Rules That Women Swear By

Girl Codes All Women Live By

There are certain unspoken rules of life that every female knows. Given the fact that womanhood comes with so many challenges — and benefits — it makes sense that a code has been put into place to assist women in lifting each other up. Some of these things are mirrored in guy code, some are just aspects of being a good human, but they’re all a part of the ever-so-sacred girl code.

A Quest

Going to a public ladies’ room is a bit like embarking on a quest in a video game — you never know what mission you’ll be faced with. What you do know, though, is that if you’re called upon to complete a task, you must accept.

A Quest

As long as you’re in the bathroom, you have the responsibility to help your fellow women there. And, in turn, they’ll be there for you in your time of need. All you need to do is find the restroom.

There’s Room for Two Queens

As much as the media loves to pit women against each other, most real-life females don’t actually want to compete with every other girl in the room. On the contrary, as social media influencers love to post, “Real queens fix each other’s crowns.”

There’s Room for Two Queens

You never know how one compliment could change someone’s day, and saying a kind word requires minimal effort from you. So, why not make your crown shine brighter by polishing someone else’s?

Together Until the End

Girl code clearly states — whoever you arrive at the party with is who you leave with. Of course, there can be exceptions, but it must be agreed upon beforehand and the person your friend is leaving with has to be properly vetted.

Together Until the End

What shouldn’t happen is randomly deciding to ditch your friend at a party, leaving them to fend for themselves. Think of girl groups like migrating birds. If one leaves for another location, they all go.

It’s a Group Activity

A girls’ trip to the bathroom is about much more than just doing one’s business. In fact, it’s entirely possible that a group of women will need to go to the ladies’ room and no one actually needs the toilet.

It’s a Group Activity

Maybe there’s a need for gossip, makeup needs to be re-applied, hair needs to be adjusted, or perhaps someone actually has to relieve themselves… In that case, other girls must come too for safety reasons. Really, there are a thousand reasons a woman could be going to the restroom.

”There You Are!”

Unfortunately, every woman has experienced being trapped in the presence of a creepy guy who just won’t back off. Therefore, girl code has a protocol in place for this very scenario. Obviously, it’s possible to misunderstand the situation and accidentally inject yourself into a flirtatious conversation.

”There You Are!”

That said, it’s far better to awkwardly excuse yourself from that situation rather than leave your fellow woman in a dangerous predicament. So, when in doubt — intervene first, and ask questions later.

No Woman Left Behind

It’s a bit nerve-wracking to be the only woman pretty much anywhere, especially at night. There’s safety in numbers, so it’s good to keep in mind how your fellow female may feel if you leave her alone somewhere with a bunch of guys she doesn’t know.

No Woman Left Behind

Is it your unwavering responsibility to stay there for hours on end, waiting for this random person to finish her shopping? No. Can you spare a few extra minutes to lag behind a bit and make sure she’s okay? Absolutely.

Save the Roast for Later

While not flirting with your friend’s boyfriend is pretty obvious, this rule is a bit more complex than just that. Basically, you shouldn’t do anything that may embarrass your friend in front of their new partner.

Save the Roast for Later

Have a funny story to share in which the friend doesn’t come off well? Let her tell it in her own time. Want to call her by your bestie nickname that not everyone knows? Save that for later. Basically, keep any roasts to yourself.

Band of Moms

Anyone who’s ever been around children knows that when a kid’s in distress, they just need a mom — and any mom will do. Really, any caring person who can put a band-aid on a boo-boo will suffice.

Band of Moms

Don’t believe us? Just pay attention the next time you’re at a playground and a kid gets hurt. When they cry out, all the mothers within earshot will come running. Now, that’s witnessing girl/mom code in action!

Off Limits

This is an official part of girl code, however, there are many exceptions to the rule. Do you have permission from your friend? Do they still have feelings for this ex? Is the ex part of the friend group? Was the breakup a long time ago? Was their relationship not serious?

Off Limits

There are way too many factors involved for this rule to be a solid one. Instead, this is more of a guideline and the issue must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Watch Her Walk Away

You know that cheeky saying, “Hate to see you leave, but love to watch you walk away?” As it turns out, that fits within girl code too! Remember, your job isn’t over when you’ve dropped your friend off at the end of their driveway — you need to see them enter their house.

Watch Her Walk Away

In fact, some say that people are most likely to be victimized in their own neighborhoods because they tend to be less vigilant there. So, stay the extra few seconds until you see the front door close.

Say, ‘Cheese!’

While there are some exceptional photographers of any gender, a typical Chad just isn’t going to take that perfect photo of a woman. That’s because most men, bless them, don’t see the same flaws in ladies that we tend to see in ourselves.

Say, ‘Cheese!’

Also, they often just don’t care as much about having something Instagram-worthy. So, when taking a photo of a fellow female, take the picture you wish you’d have of yourself. Heaven knows, her boyfriend won’t do it properly!

The Escape Plan

Unfortunately, dates can be an extremely dangerous thing, especially first dates in which you don’t really know the person. Therefore, it’s always wise to have an escape plan ready. That’s where girl code comes into play.

The Escape Plan

If you know your friend is meeting up with some random guy, it’s your job to provide that exit route if needed. After all, you’ve got a flat tire, the dog just died, and aliens are invading. You need your friend ASAP!

Our Lips Aren’t Sealed

Girl code states that your loyalty belongs to your fellow woman — not to her boyfriend. Besides, someone who’s immoral enough to repeatedly cheat and then lie about it doesn’t deserve your discreetness anyway.

Our Lips Aren’t Sealed

There’s also somewhat of a selfish element to this. Do you really want to be involved in all the drama when the truth, inevitably, comes out? And for everyone to know that you were on the wrong side of the scandal? Yeah, we didn’t think so.

The Voice of Reason

When someone’s in the moment, emotional, and feeling upset, it’s hard to avoid saying something they’ll regret. That’s where the girl squad needs to intervene. It’s your job to do one of two things, depending on what emotions your friend is going through.

The Voice of Reason

Either keep her calm and help her refrain from saying something she can’t take back — or, strengthen her and assist her in standing up for herself and not taking any mistreatment.

The Room of Funhouse Mirrors

Changing rooms are purgatory for most women. Not only does it feel like you’re looking at a funhouse mirror, but sizing is a true nightmare.

The Room of Funhouse Mirrors

You can try on the same size jeans at the same store, one after the other, but one style will fit and the other will require a completely different size. The experience is frustrating, messes with self-esteem, and is rarely enjoyable. So, the changing room is definitely a place where moral support from your fellow female is needed.

Keeping it in the Family

Dating someone in a friend’s family can be tricky, but it’s also sometimes the most wholesome type of relationship. After all, who doesn’t want to become sisters-in-law with their best friend?

Keeping it in the Family

That being said, this scenario can also put the friend in the uncomfortable situation of taking sides whenever there’s a lover’s quarrel. That’s not to say that a relationship with a bestie’s family is off-limits, but it’s always good to check in with how your girl would feel about it first.

Present and Accounted For

It’s difficult to predict what one’s friend will need after a breakup, but it’s certain that she’ll require her girl squad to be present and accounted for. Maybe she’ll want to go out for a wild and crazy girls’ night. Perhaps she’ll prefer to stay home and cry.

Present and Accounted For

It’s even possible that she’ll want to be alone, but don’t be fooled, because it’s likely that she’ll find herself wishing she’d asked her support system to stay close. Basically, just be ready and available for anything.

Walk That Line

Overindulgence isn’t ideal, but neither is depriving oneself of a treat every now and then. For many women, it can be difficult to find the sweet spot of practicing healthy behavior without becoming obsessed. That’s where the girl squad comes in.

Walk That Line

Some ladies may seek confirmation that they can have a slice of pizza or some ice cream. On the other hand, some may want a buddy to brunch on salad with, rather than pushing them to have something they’ll regret. It’s all about walking that line.

The Beloved Sidekick

While there’s certainly a moment for each person to be the star of the show, it’s also important to play the supporting character to your friend’s love story every now and then. Be that woman who gives her girl the confidence boost to approach their crush.

The Beloved Sidekick

Take on the role of the one who extracts herself from a situation in which there’s chemistry between others. Gladly don a bridesmaid dress, putting aside your thoughts about being a bride yourself. Your turn to be the leading lady will come, don’t worry.

Chicks Before Chads

Despite what high school teen movies may tell you, most women know not to put random boys before their long-time friends. Sure, when you’re in a new relationship, it’s exciting and you want to spend all your time with that person.

Chicks Before Chads

On the other hand, those types of romances tend to be fleeting and the girl squad is — hopefully — forever. Besides, it’s good to show your potential partner that you have your own things going on and while you want them in your life, you don’t need them there.

One Too Many

While never abandoning a friend who’s had one too many is a good philosophy for all genders, this situation can be particularly dangerous for women.

One Too Many

Leaving a lady alone when she’s not at her sharpest makes her vulnerable. As much as we’re all for seeing the best in others, maybe don’t put your trust to the test in this scenario, and just get your girlie home safely.

Romeo and Juliette

Unfortunately, if someone’s in a toxic relationship, they’re probably being told that anyone who objects to said relationship isn’t really looking out for their best interests. The result is that the friend won’t listen to reason and any attempt to take off her rose-colored glasses would result in her pushing you away.

Romeo and Juliette

You shouldn’t pretend to love the new partner if you don’t; definitely try to help your friend see what you see. However, if she won’t, then just be ready to pick up the pieces when it all shatters.

A Friendly Reminder

We’ve all had moments in which we feel alone and like we’re lacking a support system, regardless of how loved we really are. Knowing something logically and knowing it emotionally are two different things, so one can lose sight of how many true friends they have.

A Friendly Reminder

Therefore, it’s always good to remind your girl that you’re there to act as a shoulder to cry on, a non-judgmental person to complain to, or a cheerleader to lift their spirits. Trust us, they know, but they may just need to hear it.

Let it Out

Stereotypically, venting to men and venting to women are two very different experiences. Males tend to want to problem solve, which is great but can be annoying when you just want to sit in your feelings.

Let it Out

Females usually want to focus on how they’re feeling in the moment, which is important, and deal with actual solutions later. There’s no right or wrong way to go about letting it out, but it’s not unlikely that your squad member will need a little girl time to talk about what’s frustrating them.

It’s a Trap

Knowingly and willingly letting someone walk into a trap is definitely against girl code. Would you just watch someone sit on a chair you know is broken? Would you stand idly by while a person waits for a bus you’re aware isn’t coming?

It’s a Trap

Would you say nothing while your friend gets ready for a date with Nick Cannon, without warning her she’ll 100% get pregnant? No? Well, then don’t let a woman go into a bathroom stall without informing her there’s no toilet paper.

Time for a Time-Out

There are times in which, despite being a grown adult, one needs to have their phone confiscated. A woman who’s adamant about following girl code would enforce a technology time-out when needed.

Time for a Time-Out

Maybe a friend’s had too many adult beverages and is about to text an ex. Perhaps she’s staring too hard at a picture of herself, finding all sorts of non-existent flaws. Be the one to snap that lady back to reality — and don’t be afraid to grab that phone out of her hands to do it!

A Human Shield

Generally speaking, women’s clothing requires a lot more tweaks and tucks than men’s clothes. Sure, it’s ideal to get to a restroom to make necessary adjustments but, unfortunately, that’s not always an option.

A Human Shield

That’s why, if you see a woman trying to subtly fix her garments while walking, casually position yourself directly behind her. Trust us, she’ll very much appreciate it and in all likelihood, someone’s done the same for you without you even knowing it!

A New Look

Makeup is a bit of a vicious cycle in that people get used to seeing you either with or without it, so it’s hard to subtly switch it up. If you never wear makeup but suddenly go for a glam look, people may wonder why the sudden change and make nasty judgments about your motives.

A New Look

If you always wear makeup but go a day without, you’ll probably be met with concerns that you’re sick or tired. Ultimately, it’s your face, do whatever you want with it.

The Rules of Social Media

This is an excellent aspect of girl code, and we have a few rules to add to it. If your friend has a big event, such as their wedding, don’t post photos of it on social media without their permission.

The Rules of Social Media

It’s possible that they want a specific image to be the announcement picture, posted at a particular time, so it’s best to ask first. Also, never upload a photo of someone’s kids without permission. Some moms don’t want their children’s faces on social media, so always check first.

He’s All Her’s

Girl code clearly states not to try and steal someone’s partner but, unfortunately, not everyone respects the rules. Therefore, if you’re a law-abiding woman, it’s good to signal that to your male friend’s new girlfriend.

He’s All Her’s

Make it clear that your friendship is platonic by ensuring she’s the one sitting next to him (if it’s either her or you) and letting her in on the inside jokes. It won’t take long to demonstrate that you keep to the girl code, and once you do, you’ll both feel a whole lot better.

Check Her Out

It’s a woman’s duty to walk behind her fellow woman to check whether or not a disaster has occurred. If it has, it then becomes the first girl’s task to help find a solution. It doesn’t matter how well you know this person, how you feel about them, or what’s transpired in the past — this is womanhood.

Check Her Out

The lighter the pant/skirt color of the female being visited by Aunt Flo, the more diligence is required of the ladies around her. These are the rules.

Pretend You Can’t Count

We fully believe that a woman should be able to unabashedly state her size and weight, without fear of being judged. That being said, a lot of ladies simply don’t feel comfortable with other people knowing their numbers, and their concerns must be respected.

Pretend You Can’t Count

Unless the female in question has expressly told you her thoughts on the matter, err on the side of caution and keep her specific size/weight-related numbers to yourself.

Spread the Knowledge

Learning proper beauty tips and tricks requires a lot of trial and error, so it makes sense for women to band together in order to divide and conquer various techniques. We don’t all need to wear intense eyeliner with a red lip in order to realize it doesn’t work.

Spread the Knowledge

We also don’t need every girl to test out the dewy-skin look — it’s clearly working, so just go ahead and rock it! Unite and share the knowledge ladies!

Misplaced Anger

We’re all for being furious at a cheater, but taking it out on the woman he cheated with doesn’t make any sense. First of all, there’s always the chance that she didn’t know he had a partner.

Misplaced Anger

Second, even if she was aware, that’s her own issue to sort out with herself and it doesn’t involve you. She doesn’t owe you loyalty, she didn’t make promises to you, she didn’t build a relationship with you — he did. So, the responsibility for ruining it lies solely with him.

The Post-Cry Touch Up

No one has it easy when it comes to crying in public. A man will likely get ridiculed for it (which is totally and completely messed up) and a woman can have their entire look ruined for the rest of the day.

The Post-Cry Touch Up

That’s why it’s equally important to both help console her and assist in touching up her appearance after the crying session is over. Providing one part of this service without the other is simply not going to cut it.

It’s Her Day

We’re not saying you need to attend a wedding looking like you’ve just rolled out of bed, we’re just advising you to be mindful of the fact that this is the bride and groom’s day to shine. Don’t wear anything white, off-white, cream, etc.

It’s Her Day

If you’re close to the bride and know what her dress design is like, try to refrain from wearing a similar style outfit. When posing with her in photos, make sure she’s the focus. And don’t worry, she’ll absolutely follow these same rules on your day.

Woman to Woman

We’re not faulting men here, they sometimes just don’t know what to do when a girl’s crying. In fact, depending on the situation, a male can even be worried that he’d appear to be the source of, or trying to take advantage of, a female’s tears.

Woman to Woman

Let’s save the guys the dilemma and step in to care for our fellow women. With all due respect to men, we’d probably do a better job of consoling another lady anyway.

Watch it Like a Hawk

Really, every person should know to always keep an eye on their own drink. However, some people are maybe a bit too trusting or have had too many adult beverages, and perhaps aren’t as diligent as some would hope.

Watch it Like a Hawk

Rather than judge them or allow unpleasant events to occur, take it upon yourself to make sure that all’s good with a lady’s beverage. We’re absolutely positive that you’d want someone to do the same for you.

A Quick Check-In

99.9% of the time, everything will be perfectly fine and this text routine will seem silly. However, in the case of a woman needing assistance, it’s crucial to know that ASAP and to be aware of where she last was, where she’s supposed to be, and her method of transportation in the middle.

A Quick Check-In

As for the feeling of these texts being unnecessary, consider it an opportunity to send your girls a cute goodnight message. Better safe than sorry!

No Doubt About It

If you’re part of the bridal team and present while the bride is getting ready, you should absolutely suggest any possible adjustments that need to be made. However, if her look is already set in stone, then it’s perfect!

No Doubt About It

In general, we’re against lying, but consider this to be a necessary exception. There’s no reason to ruin the couple’s big day by making the bride feel insecure about something that’s already outside her control. No doubt about it — every bride is absolutely gorgeous.

A Sacred Place

Consider the women’s restroom to be like Fight Club — we don’t talk about it. Magical things happen there that, sorry not sorry, men simply can’t be a part of. Don’t worry, dudes, you have your own things!

A Sacred Place

A lady going to the bathroom has no idea what can occur there. Maybe she’ll make a new friend, perhaps she’ll discover that her hair looks fantastic today, or possibly a unicorn will walk by. You really never know…

The Watchful Eye

Service workers are in a particularly difficult situation because they can’t just walk away when a guy’s acting creepy. That’s why women need to have each other’s backs and step in for their fellow females.

The Watchful Eye

While girl code has this covered from the women’s side, men can do their part here too. Males can also keep a watchful eye on a female who appears to be in an uncomfortable situation, and prepare to help out if needed. Better yet, men just shouldn’t be creepy!

The Golden Rule

Regardless of how you feel about someone in particular, you must always provide a sanitary hygiene product to your fellow female. Think of the Oprah meme, “You get a tampon! You get a tampon! And you get a tampon!”

The Golden Rule

The horror of Aunt Flo visiting when you aren’t ready is very real for women and is something that men will simply never understand. Some significant experiences unite people in a way that transcends petty squabbles, and the monthly visitor is definitely one of them.

Remember That

You may have moments in which you’re frustrated with other women. There may be times that test your dedication to girl code. When that happens, just remember that your fellow females understand elements of your life on a deep level, and in ways that only women can.

Remember That

There have been, and continue to be, plenty of instances when girls have put their differences aside and come together for the greater good of womanhood — just remember that.

If You Know, You Know

This rule is basically a litmus test for how good of a girl squad you’ve got. If you understand the reference, your besties are doing their job and ensuring that you know all the important female pop culture references.

If You Know, You Know

However, if you don’t know this rule, you need to arrange a movie night ASAP! Get your squad together, kick your significant other out of the house for the evening, and watch Mean Girls. You’re welcome.